ClientErgonomie Australia

To create an interactive VR design tool for Ergonomie to assess the human factors (HF) and ergonomics criteria of a large control centre.
Ergonomie was able to familiarise staff with the new environment prior to moving to the new control centre.
The process was so beneficial it was expanded to conduct human factors assessments for placement of furniture and line of sight assessments for video walls.
Allowed optimal human interaction to reduce risk and improve buy-in during the relocation of the control centres.
“We found CADwalk to be extremely responsive and innovative in developing the VR models for this project. Highly recommended.”
Craig Fletcher
Managing Director & Principal Consultant
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Case Studies

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ClientWA Utility
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ClientErgonomie Australia

ScopeTo create an interactive VR design tool for Ergonomie to assess the human factors (HF) ...